Thursday, July 10, 2014

A wonderful day

Assalamu Alaikum

From the day I homeschool my kid I always dream about a workshop for us, where homeschool children meet to share their joy, have some fun and we mothers get to have a talk about our experiences and see our kids get along with others etc.....the list can go on. But I only know Umm Aaminah and another friend who homeschool, So thought we three can meet up.

After talking with Umm Aaminah we thought to organize and Subhanallah, I was glad to know a few mothers who homeschool too.

So on Rajab 5th 1435 - May 4th 2014 we had our very first Homeschool Workshop at my home. I organized everything and Umm Aaminah was ready with a presentation she made which made the workshop a beneficial one. Some pics to remember;

Arrangements were done for kids to make cards from their own creativity with the materials given, while the presentation was done by Umm Aaminah for mothers.

I packed some goody stuff for the kids

And these were the things inside

And this is the card made by $weety

Alhamdulillah we had a wonderful day and the kids too enjoyed a lot, Umm Aaminah from Almah's journey have given a beautiful post about the workshop with details.

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