Thursday, August 28, 2014

On the Eid day 1435 (2014)

Assalamu Alaikum

Wishing everybody a very...very... late Eid Mubarak and may Allah accept our small deeds, and make us the ones who got the blessings of Lailathul Qadr, Ameen.  Last year we had an Eid party at our place, but this time we didn't. So $weety was a little upset and I thought, let's give something for her friends and family (and yes I had something in my mind already:). Get ready for a lot of pics.....and as usual let me start from the banner...

$weety helped me hang this cute banner...

And then we made Eid cards for friends, family and for her usthad too


 This was my idea for give away...Cake in a Jar!!!!

Do you remember the Ramadan Bulletin Board, here's what it looks like on Eid.

On Ramadan
 Alhamdulillah she fasted for five days which I have marked with gold star in fasting days

So by filling the chart with a lot of good deeds on Eid $weety waited for her gift.
Gifts for $weety, Sm!ley, hubby, me and for a special friend who's gift is still in my cupboard..

And these were for $weety's Usthads.

$weety got a kitchen set and sm!ley got a toy train. And a moment for my creator......ALHAMDULILLAH...and I know its not enough.
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